Do You Want Glutes So Juicy that Your Leggings Are Screaming For Mercy?

To Be So Strong That Men Are a Little Scared Of You? And Ascend To The Rank of 'Badass', All for Less Than a Starbucks Coffee a Day?

(Even if you are a total newbie)

Want to discover the 'secrets' to incredible glutes that influencers won't tell you about...

Without wasting any more money on influencer glute guides.

Without feeling lost, confused and overwhelmed by all the bullshit.

Without a nutrition plan built for a 100kg male bodybuilder, that makes you want to eat a bullet before another portion of chicken, rice and broccoli.

Join my coaching program and discover the training, nutrition and lifestyle skills my clients use to

add 12cm to their glutes in just 12 weeks.

A Program That's Uniquely Yours

I create a custom training, nutrition and lifestyle plan for each client; no cookie-cutter PDFs or group coaching here.  

When you work with me, you have my complete care and attention.

I'm here to help women get into their best shape without sacrificing everything that makes life fun.

Your training program will fit seamlessly around life, whether training at the gym or from home, with or without equipment.

If you want to go just a few times a week or become a hardcore gym bunny, I got you covered.

I'll take care of everything to ensure you always make progress. No more confusion about sets, reps, and what exercises to choose. 

Everything you need, Faster and Easier.

Personalised Training Program

You get instant access to my custom app, which makes building your butt easier. Open the app, and your custom training plan is waiting for you.

All your sets, reps and progressions are programmed and set to your skill level and goals. No more guesswork. Keep progressing and get the best out of the program.

With an extensive exercise library FULL of all the exercise demonstrations you could need, you'll be making gains in no time.

No more guesswork, frustration or confusion about your training. You can hit the gym and have an incredible workout every time.

Struggling with a specific movement? Drop me a message, and I'll assess your form and resend a video helping you fix your exercise with tips to improve!

It's like having a personal trainer in your pocket (at a fraction of the cost).

Personalised Nutrition Plan

You'll receive tailored nutritional requirements that will remove the doubt and make growing your glutes easier.

A tailored nutrition plan is the key to maximising your muscle growth; without one, you'll keep spinning your wheels.  

There is "no one size fits all" in nutrition; I'll help you discover the best approach for your lifestyle, dietary preferences and fitness goals. 

With dozens of recipe books, restaurant guides and educational videos, you'll never be confused about what and how to eat again.

You'll learn so much about nutrition; you'll know more than most personal trainers.

Weekly Video Check-in

Every week you get an individual video check-in to keep you accountable, supported and progressing to your goals as fast as possible.

You'll get answers to all your burning questions and solutions to all your problems, and you'll never feel alone again.

You'll never stall or plateau; those glute gains will keep coming.

With me by your side, tweaking your plan every week, changing your body is inevitable.

As long as you turn up and do the work, you can't fail.

The Knowledge Vault

Get access to my exclusive portal, with educational videos, restaurant calorie guides, recipe books, meal plans and more.

It's your one-stop portal for all things nutrition, with all the nutrition questions answered and resources to succeed no matter your dietary goals.

Take the time to learn; I guarantee you'll have more knowledge than the average personal trainer.

This is your ultimate weapon to being able to control your nutrition on your own one day; you'll never need another coach.

Hey, I'm Aaron, Fitness Coach and Creator Of The mini TO MIGHTY Program!

I've spent 22 years of my life experimenting, learning, excelling and failing at fitness.

You name it; I've probably tried it.

I'm not different from you (except for being a man).

I've struggled to overcome the exact obstacles you're struggling with right now.

I've followed terrible free online plans from sites like and Youtube.

I've spent years eating like the most boring man on Earth, and everyone around me hated it.

I've messed around, wasted my time, and got no results.

But over those 22 years, I've learned what does and doesn't work when building muscle. And I've poured my heart and soul into helping women avoid these mistakes. 

Over the last decade, I've cut through all the bullshit and doubled down on the methods I can guarantee to get results.

We are way past the days of booty bands and weird Instagram exercises; it's time to take women's strength training into the 21st century with science-backed training principles.

That's why I created the Mini To Mighty Program - to help women worldwide get incredible results, learn to enjoy food and become badasses with great asses.

Working with me won't break the bank.

Unlike many online coaches, I'm not going to charge you thousands upfront for a shitty, generic service that doesn't get results.

All those coaches care about is your money.

But I'm also not a cheap £30 a month generic app from an Instagram coach.  

How good a service will you get for £30 a month?  

Shit service, that's what!

But cheap is sexy and attractive, and so is a big social media following. So that's how they get you.

But to them, you are just a number, just a customer; as long as you pay, they don't care.

Too many women are falling for the fitness industry bullshit. 

Blinded by fake, filtered images of 'perfect' women on social media.  

It leads down a dangerous path to bad choices.

My goal is to save you the precious time you are wasting trying to figure out what's right instead of making progress.

I'm here to stop you from feeling sick and tired of never seeing the results your hard effort deserves.

I want to show you that a healthy diet means something other than restricting calories, eating chicken and rice all day or giving up all the fun things you enjoy.

Working with me is a no-brainer; I'm adding exclusive bonuses worth over £750 to sweeten the deal.


BONUS Recipes Books Worth (£70)

No more boring meals, No more salads for lunch.

Access to 7 Recipe Books and a database of over 300 calorie and macro-calculated recipe ideas, which can be scanned directly into MyFitnessPal.

BONUS Eating Out Just Got Easy (£200)

You'll have access to over 40 restaurant calorie guides.

All menu items are calorie, macro-calculated, and colour-coded to make eating out simple.

BONUS 28-Day Fat Loss Meal Plans (Worth £180)

Ranging from 1400-2200 calories, you can follow one of my pre-made meal plans or pick and choose meals like a recipe book. Either way, they are yours to keep for life.

That's not all!


BONUS Mind Muscle Knowledge Vault (Worth £300)

My clients get exclusive access to the Mind Muscle Knowledge Vault, where you'll learn everything you need about training, nutrition, fat loss, and muscle growth.

4 Online Courses (and continually growing).

60 Video lessons and counting.

All based on the latest science, not influencer B.S.


  • A starters guide to figuring out your calorie and macro needs, how to track your food, meal timing and uspplementation.

  • A series of tasks and lessons to help you set smart goals you can acheive.

  • Learn how to control your diet, manage your intake, increase protein and fibre and improve your sleep.

  • Understanding the importance of calories, energy balance and how many you need to eat for your goals.

  • Protein is important, learn everything you need to know about protein.

  • If you think carbs are the devil and should be avoided at all costs, you might need to rethink your approach. Carbs can contribute significantly to optimal health and performance in the gym.

  • You might think fat makes you fat, but in reality, it is essential for health and optimal performance. In this module you'll learn everything you need to know about fat for optimal nutrition.

  • The vault is an ongoing project with lots of new lessons to come.

That's a total value of £750!

Which doesn't even include the actual coaching and programming! This is a huge offer that most coaches can’t come close to beating.

✅ Recipes Books Worth (£70 Value)

✅ 40 restaurant calorie guides (£200 Value)

✅ 28-Day Fat Loss Meal Plans (£180 Value)

✅ Mind Muscle Knowledge Vault (£300 Value)

I'm not asking you to make a yes or no decision right now; I'm asking you to make a fully informed decision.

And the only way to make that informed decision is to be on the inside, not the outside.

I'll be honest, no one has ever asked for a refund, simply because my programmes are that good.

But if you're not happy for any reason, and you can show me you've done the work and have yet to get results, I'll refund your first month's payment, no questions asked.

As I said, I'm confident that when you start working with me, you'll realise you made the right choice.

I understand if you are a little sceptical.

Every girl on TikTok with a half-decent ass has a guide to sell you and calls themselves an online coach.

Chances are you've probably bought one.

Or at least you got it free on Reddit.

I'm so confident that working with me will be the best coaching experience you've ever had.

I'm willing to give you a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Now it's time for a decision.

You've got two options, both zero risk. Although, only one has the potential to get you to your goal fast.

Option 1 - is to do nothing; you can ignore what you've read here and continue doing what you're doing now, knowing nothing will change.

Option 2 - is to join my online coaching team and start seeing results in as little as 4 weeks.

Your entire training and nutrition plan is mapped out for you. 

No more wondering or second-guessing.  

From now on, all you'll get are results.

All the while being supported and coached by me.

All you need to do is follow your weekly training plan, adhere to your nutrition plan, check in on time and let me know when you need help.

Of these two options, ask yourself…Which will be easier and faster for you?

Are you going to keep hopping from glute guide to glute guide, following generic training plans and eating food so grim even cat food looks more delicious?

Or are you ready to join the hundreds of other badass women who've taken charge of their bodies, built their dream glutes and become so strong they can out-lift their boyfriends?

Surely this must cost a fortune, right?

It has to be at least £2000 upfront?


Not even close.

In fact, it's less than the cost of 4 personal training sessions in most gyms

(I charge £50 for a one-hour session).

The mini To MIGHTY Programme:


Per Month

(Discounted for non UK clients - appx $190 US, $260 CAN, $280 AUS, $310 NZ) 

✅ Weekly Check In Via Personalised Video

✅ Coaching Support Via Email And Private Messaging

✅ App-Based Personalised Training Programme

✅ Massive exercise library, never be confused again.

✅ Full Nutrition Recommendations, Calories, Macros and more.

✅ Sample 28-Day Meal Plans.

✅ Seven Recipe Books And 40+ Restaurant Guides

✅ Access to the Knowledge vault with over 60 video lessons on training and nutrition.


  • 100% Yes, my job is to make it right for you! I'll do everything in my power to make the plan as achievable as possible so you can get maximum results.

  • This program is completely personalised for you with 24/7 support, coaching and accountability from me.

    Most online 'glute' coaches and influencers will give you an overpriced PDF or an app.

    They say it is 'personal', but it's a cookie-cutter program.

    There is no personal coaching or real accountability.

    When you work with me, you get me!

    Not a pointless facebook 'community' or 'my team'.

    I've given thousands of PT sessions to hundreds of people. Everything I do has been tried and tested on regular people like you.

    I guarantee you won't be forgotten or lost in the crowd.

    Every client gets my full attention.

  • The program is available through my app once I've taken the time to build it for you. Although it's not a cookie-cutter plan available immediately, I take care and time to put something unique together for you.

  • Yes! In fact, 70% of my clients are international.

  • You get a tailored training plan and nutrition plan that is regularly updated and a weekly 1-1 video check-in with me.

    I will update your plans and goals and set you up for the week ahead.

    As well as tons of resources, cookbooks, video courses and 24/7 message support from me.

  • Everything will be tailored to your level of experience and skill. I've got your back, so you'll always feel comfortable and in control. Over time we will adapt your training as your skills improve.

  • It varies from client to client, but I typically update your entire program every 8-12 weeks.

  • Easy, my app allows you to film yourself during a workout and sends the video directly to me! It's stupidly simple. I'll then assess your form and provide you with feedback and examples.

  • Glutes are my speciality! However, the focus of each client is unique, so it's only sometimes a glute-focused program. We will continually train the entire body to create aesthetic and physical balance, but the focus is up to you.

  • The training split is all tailored to you. If your preference changes, we can continuously adapt your program.

  • I can tailor the plan for any set-up you want! Ideally, all you need is a set of weights/dumbbells. Just let me know when you sign up.

  • I'll never give you an exercise I haven't tried and tested myself first. However, I believe in the basics, so you'll be doing many of the same movements I do each and every week.

  • Going away for some sunshine? I'll put together some quick and easy holiday workouts for you that use little to no equipment and won't interfere with your good time.

  • You can pay by visa debit/credit card on sign up.

    Payments are on a recurring, monthly basis.

  • This is an ongoing coaching program with me by your side. You will be charged once a month for as long as we work together. You are free to cancel anytime with 30 days' notice.

  • I'm happy to refund your first month's payment if you've followed the plan I gave you but aren't satisfied with the results or service. But you have to prove that you've done everything I've asked for but have yet to work. In all honesty, no one has ever asked for a refund.

  • You have to give me 30 days' notice that you want to leave. You will still be charged for any days within the notice period. Please note that when you cancel, all your workouts, plans and support will be removed from your account.

What Are You Waiting For?

Disclaimer:  The results shown on this page and others are the results of previous and existing clients.  Please understand these results are not typical.  We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them or achieve similar results.  These are used for example purposes only.  Your results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your genetics, experience, and work ethic.  All health and fitness results entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.  If you’re unwilling to accept that, please DO NOT ENQUIRE.